Famitsu: Check It Out!

Famitsu: Check It Out! 03/20/2020


What is Lilt Line?

I spent a portion of my night going down a Wikipedia hole. I started by looking into Woah Dave! I really enjoyed that game. I got it in a Humble Bundle of Wii U and 3DS games. I then checked on the developer of that game Choice Provisions (formerly known as Gaijin Games). I learned that they are the people behind the Bit.Trip series which made a lot of sense. I also saw that one of their first games was an iPhone/iPad game that was also ported to Wii Ware called Lilt Line.

I don’t have an iPhone or an iPad and, as we all know, Nintendo has shuttered the Wii Shop forever. This put me in a bad position because I would like to play this game but there is nothing that I could play it on. Who knows if it is even still compatible with modern Apple devices?

The game is a very straight-forward arcade game. The player tilts their phone or Wii-mote with the on-screen line. The line will travel through zones where the player is tasked with pushing a button in time with an excellent soundtrack done by 16bit. All of this seemed like a really fun way to spend a few hours and throw down a few bucks to support the developer of this game.

At first, I started to research if this could be played on the Dolphin emulator. It looks like it can be done. I could go out and buy an iPhone or an iPad to play this game but that isn’t really financially feasible. So, I’m stuck between a rock and hard place…for pirates.

I did find a Let’s Play on YouTube and decided that that was probably the easiest way to see what this game is all about. I lucked out with this Let’s Play too because the person does no commentary over the video which means that I am able to get a good idea what the soundtrack, the thing I was most interested in, is all about.

I really liked this track.

But, some of the other tracks were really well done as well. This one has some real insanity to it that I really enjoyed.

I guess I was satisfied this time after finding this Let’s Play but I decided to write this blog because it is one more instance of the need for game preservation. I am a staunch defender of the people out there who are doing the work to make sure these small titles are preserved for people to find years from now. I hope that people find this blog and hopefully remember this game or hear about it for the first time and do some digging themselves.


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I Better Put Some Pants On...

I Better Put Some Pants On If I’m Gonna Stream Some Shadow Warrior: YouTube Archive

Footage-cast Video

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Titanfall 2 is Gonna Stomp Your Face

I am incredibly excited for Titanfall 2. I was not one of the masses who bought the first game, bought an Xbox One, and expected that game and that console to change their entire lives. I did get the game quite a bit after the fact and all the DLC for a steal. I played the game with the legions of people who still hold it down on a nightly basis in that game. I leveled my stuff up a lot and I had a great time getting to know the game at my own pace.

I am glad that I play games in this fashion. I don’t really want to be part of the “conversation” because then the conversation gets infested with yes-men who only know what to say critically, concerning games because they listened to the latest episode of the coolest podcast on iTunes or Youtube show. I am glad that I generally wait for the price of games to go down. I am glad that I wait for server issues to get worked out. I am especially glad that I play the game with people who like the game and have learned to figure out the game’s systems and will teach those systems to you as a new player because it can only strengthen the community.

background pictureBecause I wasn’t one of those people that had serious issues with this game, because I didn’t hang all my hopes on this one game to hold my attention for the first few months of my console’s life, I was able to find a great game that was fun to play. I wasn’t invested in the back-story because it was apparent that the developer wasn’t very concerned about the story. I am sure that there is some lore master at Respawn that believes they told a great story in the first game but I would point that person to the internet and to this reviewer – the story was nonexistent, or at very least forgettable.

It is because I played this game as a multiplayer game only that I can say I didn’t need a story mode in Titanfall 2. I am glad it is there. It looks like it could be a big dumb action movie of a story mode, which I can definitely get behind. I just hope that Respawn didn’t add this new story mode into the game to appease all of those people who didn’t play the game the first time around – those people who never came back to the game, even after all the content that was added to the game. I hope that the story mode brings in the people who didn’t enjoy the first game or didn’t try it at all and I hope it appeases fans too.

I would love a story mode in Titanfall 2 that is reminiscent of the story mode in Mortal Kombat 9. I hope that it is just big dumb action with an equally dumb story. I hope that it makes everybody laugh and have a great time with somebody sitting on the couch next to them. But, most of all, I hope the single player campaign is short so people will get online and take advantage of the game that Respawn always wanted to make – a great multiplayer game with fun mechanics.

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