I loved Costume Quest. Everything about the game is perfect; nostalgic feelings, jokes, pacing, RPG system, length, etc. I can see myself playing through the game every Halloween; just like some might watch the Peanuts cartoon or Ernest Scared Stupid. This year, I am going to have a couple new ways to enjoy this great franchise.
Polygon reported Double Fine, the developer of the Costume Quest video game series, and Zac Gorman are working together to bring Costume Quest and it’s cute characters to the printed page alongside the release of the sequel in a new graphic novel titled Costume Quest: Invasion of the Candy Snatchers.
Gorman, who’s Tumblr drew someone at Double Fine’s attention, has been posting comics, pictures, and musings on his blog, Magical Game Time, for years. I wished that I had heard about him before this announcement, but I guess it’s better late than never.

In Gorman’s interview with Comics Alliance, he revealed that instead of following the human characters who starred in the game, his first stab at a graphic novel will follow Klem, a nice Grubbin (the enemies of the first game), on his journey during that same action packed night.
I wanted to tell a story from the other side of the fence. The series pretty thoroughly examines the human side of things, so I wanted to try something different. I thought it’d be fun to see Halloween from an outsider’s perspective. Initially, I wrote this really long convoluted plot which delved a bit more into the everyday life of the Repugians [the monsters] and their relationship with Halloween but I had to condense it down into something I could finish in a realistic amount of time.
I am exited to see that Mr. Gorman created that convoluted plot which he might be able to turn into other graphic novels if this one is successful. Needless to say, I am super excited about this coming October. Hell! I might even dress up.